
..covered with His fingerprints..

Saturday, February 23, 2008


As promised, a post named "Reunited".. after 3 months of being away from this 2nd home. Been back a week, and i still haven't had a chance to catch my breath, let alone miss the people back home. (sorry hehe..)

Highlights of my first week back:

**16th Feb, Sat - great to be back!

a day filled with eating.. sleeping.. tennis.. unpacking.. and conquering 3 months worth of cobwebs in the house.. but of course, meeting up with those "left behind".. 3 months worth of catching up.. =)

first meal after touchdown - Vietnamese beef noodles! *yummm*

**17th Feb, Sunday - home church..

it's amazing to see what God can do among His people in a period of time! (and how fast kids grow, too!) 3 months ago, i was still carrying Elise in my arms.. but i could hardly recognize her as she ran confidently into the sanctuary that day.. wow! =)

** 18th Feb, Monday - i sprained my ankle! =(

during tennis.. thanks to Bryan's super-high shot and my *ehem* supportive partner *ehem*. hehe.. oh well, at least i got the privilege of having a personal chauffeur for a whole week - lunch included! hehe.. thanx, you! =)

this is how bad it was..

** 19th Feb, Tues - jon's 22nd birthday!

it was supposed to be a surprise, but as someone said - "in ocf, there's no surprises." hehe. but we did celebrate with a Mexican dinner and midnite fishing (with no catch!) =P *hope you had a remarkable day, jon.. but above all, that you'll have a fulfilling year ahead - embraced in God's will.* =)

his sugar-high chocolatey cake..

a hilarious testimonial time..

**20 & 21st Feb - Orientation week

OCF set up a booth on wednesday and thursday - it was amazing! the people we met were definitely the outcome of God-made divine appointments, and pray with us that they come back to join in the great things God has laid out for us this year.

personally i was really encouraged by presence of the people who turned up to help - what a great level of courage and commitment.. outside in the scorching sun, or even under umbrellas during the rain, and even in the midst of the buzz of people swarming by.. the sight of it just sets a smile in my face. too bad we were too busy to take any photos. hehe..

**22nd Feb, Friday - Hillsong United!

we were blessed by a few tickets to go for the Hillsong United Youth tour thingy.. i enjoyed myself so so much (even with my bad ankle!). give it up for "In a valley by the sea" album.. but it got better when they pulled out the "oldies" songs like All Day, Tell The World, What the world will never take!!! what was more breath-taking is the number of people who gave their lives to Christ that day - heaven was having a dance partay!! =)

**23rd Feb, Saturday - exhausted..

it was a pretty technical day.. Clayton OCF is having a CD recording project (yeeehooo!), and we visited the band in the garage to lend some support.. although sadly we ended up in the hall playing PS3..? (hehe sorry!)

we cooked chicken curry for dinner for the committee after that.. our first meeting of the year - fantastic! what can i say, when God is there, He works wonders. dead-ends turn into greater possibilities, all glory be to Him! =)


so.. being "Reunited".. witnessing friends coming back one by one.. trips to the airport.. random lunches and dinners and suppers together.. it's incredible.. and for all these, i am forever grateful.. =)

*if 3 months can do this to someone, imagine the extremely glorious Reunion.. after the wait of a lifetime. let's wait with an even greater anticipation of being "Reunited" - with our One and Only Love - someday.*

Saturday, February 2, 2008

..Heartfelt tribute..

the first time we met
, i honestly can't remember how. over the span of a year and a half, there were ridiculous physics classes, a dozen freak tests and presentations, grammy-standard talent nites (she was Lindsay Lohan from freaky friday), a spectacular prom nite, sweat-drenching uni interviews, and of course the dreaded TEE final exams. together.

the last time we met - in DFO, sydney. so chattery, she proudly told us of the new boots she had just bought while we stared in obvious envy. that was how she has always been - funny, witty, talkative, joyful, humourous, frank, non-pretentious. and that is how she will always be remembered.

this is a heartfelt tribute - to an ex-classmate, a dear friend.. to someone who brightens a room the moment she walks into it.. who always stood up for what she believed was right. who was always so genuine and non-pretentious.. who was not afraid to live out loud, speaking her thoughts, sharing her joy.. someone who had so much spread out in front of her.. who left without a goodbye..

Lee Nian Ning


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