~1st March 2008~
It was an amazing day, and 21 amazing years.. it was impossible to celebrate all of His marvelous masterpieces in just 24 hours, so here's a mere glimpse - of how great and how awesome a God He is!
God-sent people, warm smiles, beary hugs..
the only way of life that i know.. =)
~OCF Committee~
The bunch of you are among the closest friends that i have, almost "family" even.. and it is truly an honor to be in this circle with you! thanx for taking me out for a super yummy countdown.. (although we were so exhausted after Welcome Nite, hehe).. *i'm so so tempted to name each one of you and do a personal shoutout, but it will never do you justice, so i won't even try.. but know that i am truly grateful that somehow God found it in his favour to cross our paths..* =)
Pancake Parlour in the middle of the nite.. =)

i think this was Robin on the line, singing Happy Birthday.. =)
The three "angels".. =)
~Meddies, Houssies and JPA Kidz~
you guys should stop studying and go become birthday-planners! =) thanx so much for the surprise bash (and the almost-expired chocolates).. hehe.. you really brightened my day, and it's a pleasure knowing all of you.. some random words that pop in my mind whenever i think of you - "assignments, coffee, lameness, light-bulb moments, high-fives, overgrown lalang, jpa allowance joy".. =)

A cake specially baked by my housemate's *ehem*.. =)

the almost-expired chocolate. lol.. =)
jpa kiddos.. we so don't look like nerds!
so much for the gangster look.. =)

ooohhh leng lui, my ex-roomie! =)
whoa, what shall i say.. i see you guys day in day out and i'm still not bored of it, never will be! if God gave me the choice to choose my heavenly family, i'd choose you, you and YOU! =)
*thanx for taking me for fishing, the 4 of you! =) you know how much i LOVE the beach, and honestly, it was on my to-do list for my birthday! =) i had so much fun, except the part where things flew into the sea. hehe..*
this wasn't actually my party. lol.. it was Robin's belated but they were so kind to celebrate mine as well (sorry to steal your lime light dude..) =)
andrew and his one-of-a-kind pranks..

**a special thanx to Andrew.. you've been behind the camera in all this, but thank you for capturing one of the loveliest days i've had.. =) **
and of course, a love song to the One who matters the most..
for 21 years of life, and a lifetime of amazing grace..
"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made;
marvelous are your works,
and that my soul knows very well.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were i to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When i awake,
i am still with you."
~Psalm 139~
God-sent people, warm smiles, beary hugs..
the only way of life that i know.. =)
~OCF Committee~
The bunch of you are among the closest friends that i have, almost "family" even.. and it is truly an honor to be in this circle with you! thanx for taking me out for a super yummy countdown.. (although we were so exhausted after Welcome Nite, hehe).. *i'm so so tempted to name each one of you and do a personal shoutout, but it will never do you justice, so i won't even try.. but know that i am truly grateful that somehow God found it in his favour to cross our paths..* =)

~Meddies, Houssies and JPA Kidz~
you guys should stop studying and go become birthday-planners! =) thanx so much for the surprise bash (and the almost-expired chocolates).. hehe.. you really brightened my day, and it's a pleasure knowing all of you.. some random words that pop in my mind whenever i think of you - "assignments, coffee, lameness, light-bulb moments, high-fives, overgrown lalang, jpa allowance joy".. =)
whoa, what shall i say.. i see you guys day in day out and i'm still not bored of it, never will be! if God gave me the choice to choose my heavenly family, i'd choose you, you and YOU! =)
*thanx for taking me for fishing, the 4 of you! =) you know how much i LOVE the beach, and honestly, it was on my to-do list for my birthday! =) i had so much fun, except the part where things flew into the sea. hehe..*

**a special thanx to Andrew.. you've been behind the camera in all this, but thank you for capturing one of the loveliest days i've had.. =) **
and of course, a love song to the One who matters the most..
for 21 years of life, and a lifetime of amazing grace..
"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made;
marvelous are your works,
and that my soul knows very well.
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
Were i to count them,
they would outnumber the grains of sand.
When i awake,
i am still with you."
~Psalm 139~
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