
..covered with His fingerprints..

Monday, April 7, 2008

A boy..

..deep dark brown eyes. tanned unwrinkled skin. happy feet that danced at any given chance. mouth curved upwards, ever-ready for a smile..

that was what greeted me at my first day at "work", if i can call it such. a handsome cheery 2-year-old chap. he may be "mildly autistic", but i overruled that diagnosis in my heart the moment i laid eyes on him. Because..

Autism [ASA-defined] : A complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others.

But that boy :
1. Gave me a heart-melting hug the very first day i came in contact in him!
2. Looks adoringly at me from the corner of his eyes whenever i call his name.
3. Laughs heartily as i tickle him when he completes a task brilliantly.
4. Does the best "whoosh whoosh whoosh" actions i've ever seen! [Remember the song - the wipers on the bus go whoosh whoosh whoosh...? hehe..]

I'm supposed to be a therapist. working with him on his attention regulation, speech, motor skills, communication, recognition of pictures, and we have lotsa songs and play time in between. but i guess the 4 hours a week i spend with him is a therapy in itself for me. of innocence, joy, naivete, just marveling at His creation.. through the eyes of a 2-year-old.. =)

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